Saturday, April 03, 2010

Friday forte: the spring break edition

SPT April 1st 2010, originally uploaded by ebbandflo_pomomama.

Yes ...... Spring break!

Mid-life crisis duly postponed until after the holiday spell is over! My little tiger dragged me thru the day and guess what? We had fun! The pet shop is right next to a super thrift store, so after choosing some hay for the guins and some grass for Griz we rummaged for buried treasure. He scored a new diary "for his thoughts and plans" and I got this cute knitted top!

Happy day!


Bex said...

That's a great top big sis. Very envious here!!!

pomomama said...

envious - and so you should be! picked out for me by the wee guy. it's a lovely lacy knit, size small and very slimming (as you can see in the pic ......)

yes, i'm very pleased with it!

Anonymous said...

I believe I know exactly which thrift store / pet shop you're talking about. I love hunting for treasures there. Great top!

And it's back to school tomorrow, right? You're in the home stretch of break.

pomomama said...

I am so very much in the home straight for the end of spring break!!! I will be celebrating by getting to Safeway early tomorrow morning to grab the 'on offer' cupcakes and then eating a whole pack of four myself .....

.... and yes, the thrift store of which you and I speak is truly wondrous. The new batch of ladies/volunteers have made a vast improvement on the itchy flea mart it used to be. I believe every Thursday is a sale now .....

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