hard at work at the bench
I think I can leave the mid-life crisis to chug along by itself for a while and concentrate On Other Things. For one, Christmas is coming up and I've recklessly booked up for not one but five craft fairs (three of them are all-weekenders). High on my priority list is creating enough inventory for them, and also for the two craft boutiques plus a couple of gallery exhibitions I've committed to. It's all good business sense ....... but I'm getting a little antsy about how much I have to do.
This is in addition to managing the social media and blogging for the artist's society, and undertaking a re-write/revamp of a local non-profit website (... there aren't enough hours in the day .... wail).
I've also applied for a diploma course (part time only - I'm not completely nuts) in professional writing (anything to justify the amount of time I spend online!) so I have an English assessment to schedule (to prove, as a monoglot UK dweller, that I can speak the language) then (if all goes well) a portfolio to pull together and a group interview to prep for.
In summary, I really do need to ruthlessly timetable my days, plus plan out a business strategy to boot. As well as committing to cover two days per week after-school care (which is when I plan to do most of my work I guess), my business will also potentially be funding college courses ..... I've done the sums and they don't look too bad (and this is where I start pitching the "buy my carp" message .... I'll try not to ..... I'll be at Canzine West on Saturday hawking my wares .....). My business needs to make
In translation (sob) that I need to cut down on my online "frittering" time (adiĆ³s twitter) and "up" the creating time. I need to blog more efficiently here by writing/scheduling posts in advance (my collection of mobile tools will help), I need to blog more there to market my work, I really ought to tend to my online shops more efficiently (they do need weeding), and streamline the domestic stuff (monthly menus, sharing housework, etc.). I promise I will not be hard selling over here but expect more mentions of what I am up to "at the bench" (see above - there won't be any time left for parenting/housework/spousal crises).
Oh, and I want to fit in some snowboarding time when the snow hits .... am I being realistic? or do you want an email once I'm back on my usual pre-menopausal track? sign up below