When all else fails, and life is an unending series of dark tunnels, headbanging against immovable walls, and laundry, there is nothing more uplifting than seeing your child eat a salad. The simple act of ingesting a portion of the required 'five-a-day' can bring an absurd sense of achievement to the most embattled mother, a vindication that yes, she is on the right track, and no it's not a waste of time.
Mango and Peppers Salad
- Peel and roughly dice a ripe mango.
- Finely dice a couple of red.yellow or orange peppers (colour selection based on presentational effect).
- Finely dice a red onion (very finely if palates are super-fussy).
- Finely chop a tablespoon of mint leaves (optional but adds pzazz).
- Combine and add the juice of half a lime.
- Mix well and serve with no hint of healthiness.
Watermelon and Feta Salad
- Cube a watermelon (a couple of thick slices or about half of a mini).
- Crumble a quantity of feta cheese (as much as you think you can get away with).
- Shred a quantity of fresh basil leaves (ditto - as much as you think you can get away with).
- Combine in a bowl and drizzle with good olive oil.
- Serve without prejudice.
Bon appetit!