In the interests of full disclosure, I am not a prude, but in the interest of bringing closure to a certain amount of current full disclosure I feel I must stamp out forced dislosure forthwith.
There are few things that phase me about nudity. I'm not a nudist but I do feel comfortable in my own skin. I feel no need to huddle under a towel or use the cubicle in a women's changing area. Everybody in there, as far as I can see (barring a few babies), has approximately the same accessories that I have, plus or minus a few scars with points of reference higher or lower depending on gravity's toll. I've been to Wreck Beach, I've taken European saunas with strangers, I've had al fresco sex in a meadow (and behind my parents' garden shed), I've breastfed in public .... but now I'm at a a bit of a crossroads.
No, don't worry Tri Cities residents. I'm not about to start running daily errands in the buff or volunteer as a life model at the art centre (no, I'd go waaaaaaay out of the area to hold the pose).
This is more of a domestic matter.
My son is now seven years old. We've always run a not particularly modest household, and it's only recently I've established visiting the bathroom as a solo hobby (with the door closed, locked even, without the tattoo of beating fists on the other side).
One day I dream, the Wee Guy and mr ebb will shut the door too!
Otherwise it's a no holds barrs, clothing optional, nudity around every corner first thing in the morning household. We're waiting for the Wee Guy to make the first move towards imposing modesty which, according to the text books, should be right about now. He should be requesting privacy, shutting the door and making "ewwwww yuck splurg" noises when he sees me au naturel.
So far - nothing, except I've discovered there are two areas of my life I'd like a little more modesty about.
IMO no boy should ever see his mother plucking chin hairs, and he should certainly, and under no circumstances what so ever, see her hoisting on a G-string (even if it is for purely vain no-visible-knicker-line reasons). I'm convinced the sight of my arse thus attired would scar him for years to come, and I don't think he'll inherit enough wealth to pay for all the therapy. Since I intend to wear this season's skinny jeans with pride (and no VPL), I'm foreseeing a lot of hurried dressing in the closet in my future (or sitting down quickly).
What's your line in the sand on domestic modesty? Please comment so I can laugh my head off and forget my own hang ups.
grappling with career, balance and midlife in the midst of the domestic scene
Tuesday, September 07, 2010
business as usual
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business as usual
Caroline · 756 weeks ago
My recent post updated website design for fall
pomomama 72p · 756 weeks ago
Amber · 756 weeks ago
My recent post Hand Sanitizer – Friend or Foe
pomomama 72p · 756 weeks ago
mr ebb is similarly reticent - crotch area has always been a no-go though wee guy did manage to grab one (priceless) time in the bath (ho ho).
I think I will be drawing my line in the sand way ahead of the wee guy though - he shows no inclination towards modesty or respect of other's modesty.
Be sure - I will blog about it when it happens (and crack open the champagne no doubt).
Lil sis · 756 weeks ago
pomomama 72p · 756 weeks ago
Angela Drake · 755 weeks ago
My recent post Trip to Kelowna
pomomama 72p · 755 weeks ago
Yesterday I was even harassed by the cat while I was in the bathroom - wouldn't let up until she was let in and sitting on my knee!