Thursday, May 31, 2012

self portrait thursday: brand "me"

Right now I should be promoting Brand Me (there! i did it) but to be completely honest, I'm extremely reticent at pushing myself forward. I am OK with appealing to readers who stumble on my blog posts, and OK about tooting them out randomly on my twitter feed ... but mass emailing and plugging every Facebook group I belong to? I just can't bring myself to push 'me'. And I haven't mentioned it much outside my online life either.

the letters have shrunk
who am i?

Although I'm not a complete social media hermit, and no no-friends nellie, pushing this particular Brand Me means opening up my sordid internet life to people who are completely unaware of it ... and even with a few votes at stake, I'd like it to stay that way.

is this me?

Part of my reluctance is defining Brand Me in the first place. My blog defines me as a ranting midlifer with obvious depressive tendencies and domestic woes, but is that all there is to 'me'?

orbital weave and serpentine choker
hiding from ...?

graduation day for my PhD
or is this me?

I'm a daughter, a big sister, a wife, a mother to a son. I'm also a mature mum, an ex-scientist/ex-veterinary surgeon, a trailing spouse who gave up her career to emigrate with her husband, a volunteer, a mixed media artist, a writer or at least a writer-in-training ... does this mix make me 'me' or should I choose one track and stick to it?

I'm not ready to decide just yet but once I know what Brand Me is I'll start the promotion stuff; until then, you're welcome to stick along for the ride.
us c1992
or maybe this is?

Each Thursday, for a great number of years, a bunch of Etsy sellers have been taking self portraits and posting them on flickr. It started as a way of staying in contact, and has continued with Etsy Self Portrait Thursday.
ebb and flo by pomo mama design click to shop pomo mama design online!