(yes, i made a weekend of it!)
Seen, heard and done this weekend:
- Date night with my Wee Guy on Friday evening, watching the new Aardman Pirates movie then moving on to iHop for dinner. The movie was an animated laugh-a-minute, though I'm not sure whether I enjoyed laughing at the antics on the screen or chuckling at my date's mirth!
- Finished Betty Friedan's The Feminine Mystique - an oddly appropriate read for Mother's Day
- Mother's Day brunch at Camp Sasamat, where the Wee Guy and I were the only mother/son combo there. All other guests were in huge extended family groups except for two women who came together without kids "to celebrate each other".
- on hearing sounds of sobbing in the back of the car
Me: "Hang on, I'm pulling over. What's the matter?"
Wee Guy: "Nothing. Can we listen to something else now please?"
Me: "Did the story on the radio upset you?" reaching back to his seat
WG: "Yes. I'd never want to let my dad die." sobbing
Me: "I know you wouldn't, but sometimes you just have to let someone go, when it's too painful to keep them alive you have to let them die."
WG: "Whoever invented death should be put in jail."
Me: struggling for words and crying too "Yes, it isn't fair but death happens, even to people you love. And sometimes you just have to let it happen." - mr ebb did most of the housework and all of the laundry (including the towels which had been washed on Wednesday).
- Dinner out, to give mr ebb a break :)