Thursday, May 13, 2010

SPT May 13th

SPT May 13th, originally uploaded by ebbandflo_pomomama.
Oh my, I had some fun today!
This week's Mama Renew homework was to have a date with our pre-baby self. I spent mine at Cafe Divano reading my PhD thesis (1999, University of London) and drinking coffee(decaf).
SPT May 13th
Then I went home and got in touch the real pre-baby me!
SPT May 13th
Oh yes!
SPT May 13th
That's her all right!
gothic trio
..... and on the left from oooh, about 24 years ago.

*SPT = self portrait Thursday


Anonymous said...

How lucky that you had a fabulous necklace to wear. ;)

You were definitely WAY cooler pre-baby than me, I have to say that.

pomomama said...

LOL re: necklace (you've seen my collection ....)

i think goth was, and still is, the coolest thing ever. oh, possibly beaten by 1976 punk which i couldn't do as i was far too young. it's all still waaaaaay cooler than emo or hipster, and wasn't a bad way to get thru the 80's in. ahem, style!

PS: immediately pre-baby me was boringly academic laboratory/don't-frighten-the-horses wear

Bex said...

Yay, the return of Goth big sis.
I always thought you were so achingly cool as a goth - I was (and still am to be honest) envious as hell!

I sometimes think my inner life is a quest for unconventionality - but you got it sussed from the get-go!

I'm even conventional enough to be (almost) divorced twice - how boring is that!

pomomama said...

Goth big sis vanished under the 'stain' remover shortly before picking up un-goth nephew from school. i think the mainly uptight prissy mums round here would have been all a-twitter if i'd turned up in the playground like this (tho' on second thoughts it might have been fun!).

You, in contrast, seemed to have everything sussed from the get-go; friends, fashionable, intelligent, could hold herself well in a discussion/argument, well read on the right subjects, and all from such an early age. These are all things I'm still struggling with even at these advanced years. The unconventionality is just hiding the fact that, try as I might, I just cannot learn to fit in, and that in itself causes major problems. I'm a little more at peace with it now though - people will love you for what you are, not for what you try to be, and trying to be something else has always gotten me into Big Trouble.

PS: divorce, shmorce .... you have the courage to realise that something isn't working and take steps to limit the damage. what's courageous in staying put, which is what a lot of conventional peeps do?
PPS: statistically speaking (and i should know since i spent the morning reading about stats) being average is unconventional as it's statistically unlikely to be totally average!

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