Treasury time again for the sea glass cufflinks and this time they are in an absolutely stunning 'white on white' treasury by the talented jmillen who pulled an incredble list together as an entry for the treasury poster competition.
The list is described as white on white with a touch of grey and black thrown in for contrast, but check out the orange etsy button* bottom left for a complete surprise. Stunning!
stunning abstract twirled zinnia card from jmillen
* - (which BTW may be illegal to sell thru use of the Etsy orange and logo tho' I'm getting conflicting info on that one currently)
a while ago in the forums there was some discussion about the use of Etsy orange and the logo. after to-ing and fro-ing by admin the edict announced was that sellers should contatc Etsy for permission to use the logo etc in products and fill in a release form. So I contacted admin for the release form only to be told that the form didn't exist and would be out once the consititution was drafted and they would keep us informed ................ since then a deafening Etsy orange silence.
Sound familiar?