Sunday, July 29, 2007

one click shopping for ebb and flo

OK - this is what's been keeping me busy and away from blogging recently (and also a visit from my lil' sis, aka honeybeedz, from Scotland.

As some of you will know I had a scarey moment with Etsy in April, as have quite a number of sellers (and even one buyer) since then. In essence I decided to diversify, take all my precious eggs out of the one basket they were in and make ebb and flo less dependant on Etsy.

So I set up other online shops (see clickables on the left for details) and also started consigning at a B&M in Vancouver.

... which leaves a bewildering array of shopping venues from which to get your grubby little mitts on ebb and flo goodies ...

... so for you (and just for you) I have set up a website using Googlepages to pull all these venues together. If you click here you will be transported miraculously to a list of links for each of these selling venues and from there you can shop till you drop.

I'm planning many more things for the website, inlcuding downloadable discount vouchers, special offers and web exclusives (since I've also been playing around with adding a PayPal cart to the site too!!! oooo excitement). There will also be a gallery of what's available where (including the B&M) and sneak peeks of what I'm working on.

Go on, click here - you know it makes sense!

PS: Eventually there will be a clickable link at the top of the blog too - just need to work out how to set it up!!!
ebb and flo by pomo mama design click to shop pomo mama design online!