Being in celebration of the Etsy Self Portrait Thursday challenge where a bunch of Etsy sellers indulge in online vanity by taking pics of themselves
You may have noticed by now that I am not shy about taking photographs of myself every Thursday. Sometimes it's a body part, other times reflection, but always me. No holds are barred. You've seen me prepping for a colonoscopy, looking incredibly frumpy (this one is truly blech), in the air, on the piste, and on the move. I've shown you my shaddocks, my scar, my wrinkles and my arse. I've taken pics at work, at domesticity, on reflection, in disguise and in despair.
Yesterday at momcafe I listened to adorable Vancouver photographer Jenn di Spirito talk about her mission to ensure that every mum realises they deserve a beautiful portrait of themselves in recognition of the truly wonderful work they do. She's right! A picture of yourself looking radiant with your kids - not you looking puffed and sweaty from chasing round corralling them for the photoshoot ...
... which is what might happen to Jessica Rae, my local Tri Cities photographer, trying to corrall me for my photo shoot. I won a portrait session with the gorgeous and talented Jessica a month ago. Yesterday I had to 'fess up that I was extremely nervous about the whole thing. I hate it when someone points a camera at me and yells, smile! or I have to wait with a cheesier grin growing across my face until I hear the click. I can take endless portraits of myself, publish them on the web, but sit me down in front of a camera I'm not in charge of and I feel so very self-concious.
But I think that if anyone can put me at ease, it will be Jessica so stay tuned for the results.