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view back up the mountain (where we used to live) |
Rainfall warning for this area, and oh boy is the stuff coming down. I snapped the photo above as I waited for the Wee Guy. The mountain where we used to live is blanketed in cloud. Sometimes it can be above the cloud, in glorious alpine sunshine but I suspect not today.
Do I miss living up there?
I miss the view.
I miss the eye level feeling of being with the clouds.
But no, tired as I am from not being home yet, I do not miss being up there.
Today we went places, and did not move the car.
We went everywhere by foot, soaked and puddle-jumping but on foot.
This weekend, we cycled to the library. The next day we walked from front door to Rec Centre Farmers Market and back again. No gas guzzled; no carbon emitted (except our own).
For Friday's trick or treat, we walked a neighbourhood - front yards, front doors, lanes, sidewalks, pumpkins, neighbours - we did not miss the garages, the strata, the conjoined dwellings.
While I loved living and growing in our old house, the time has come to move on ... and even though we're not quite there yet, I'm glad we did.