full steam ahead for the jolly old festive merry-go-round
Christmas - fueled entirely by female blood, sweat and tears (now that artificial trees are widely available).
Picture the typical home Christmas scenario.
- Decorations - boughs of holly, swag, tree either groaning under tinsel and baubles or chic and modern sleekly themed, cards artfully arranged, front door wreath or similar, strange glass jar of lights on a string, outdoor lighting plus inflatable snowman/santa and his reindeer galloping over the roof
- Calories - turkey, stuffed; mincemeat tarts; candies and chocolates; liquer-sozzled pud; all the trimmings; iced fruit cake
- Gifts, plentiful under the tree, either neatly and festively wrapped or bound in some eco-concious disguise method, including gifts for teacher, classmates and so on ...
- Legal pharmacologicals - cigars, alcohol, paracetomol, chocolate, sleeping tablets .... all available
- Christmas stockings - one for each child or child substitute or whimsy, stuffed to the brim, overflowing and full of novelties
- Entertainments - visits to the ballet, christmas panto, carol singing, craft camps, visits to Santa and so on
- Cards and gifts to keep in touch with friends and family, presents for the family vet, mailman, handyman, garbage guys, school chums and so on
After all this performance anxiety will you be hoping to sleep through christmas, or have you developed a strategic plan which retains some of the magic of christmas?