Wednesday, November 07, 2007

upcycling ...

spore side
Originally uploaded by ebbandflo_pomomama
So I applied for Trunkt with this little beauty .... and got rejected! Not that surprising since the jewelry/accessories category is really oversubscribed (tell me another one). I'm trying not to be too despondent about it, would have been nice but maybe another time perhaps?

... and last night was even better! your dinner is in the oven - crafting 365/ d50 "Your dinner is in the oven" took on a whole new resonance. We ate out!

"Spore" is now listed for sale - I've kicked off my Dawanda shop once more with the mouldy one and a few friends.So if you like weird pieces of felty art for your lapel you now know where to indulge.

spore : - almost good enough to eat, spore bodies wave from a landscape of decay, just like on that piece of bread you lost then found again behind the sofa

wool, wire, copper, picasso jasper, freshwater pearls, glass and amethyst

flotsam brooches are mixed media pieces using recycled/upcycled materials from my handcrafting exploits, outside sources and found objects.
they are based around recycled wire mesh discs (waste from manufacturing) and those annoying end pieces of wire on a spool which somehow aren't quite enough to use in a bigger project.
for each brooch a "project soup" of fibre, beads, objects and wire is assembled - then from the first stitch to the last wrap the assemblage is a completely random pattern of embroidery, darning, wiring, crochet and crimping.
add a pin on the back and it's ready to wear!
ebb and flo by pomo mama design click to shop pomo mama design online!