Friday, November 09, 2007

crafting 365 / d52 - burning the midnight oil

crafting 365 / d52
Originally uploaded by ebbandflo_pomomama
.... well, working in the evening strictly speaking!

Here I'm piercing and sawing another batch of copper discs for pendants. They are stamped and then have a shape cut out, similar to some I've already finished for my goddaughter and her sister. crafting365/d42b

If I get the sawing and sharp stuff done tonight it means that I have a fresh batch of portable crafting projects ready for tomorrow. Filing, smoothing and polishing up these discs is all quite possible on the move and doesn't require a lot of heavy equipment.

But sometimes the only time I have to prepare these projects-to-go is the evening. It's a hrad life being a full time mum and crafter ..


PS: portable crafting projects on the go right now include;
- 4 pierced copper discs to file, sand and polish
- another pair of crochet wrist colour-change warmers
- an upcycled jeans bag with owl embroidery
- a copper wire crochet collar
- wire crochet christmas stars
- some secret knitting!
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