Monday, October 06, 2008

ready, set, tumble ......

ready set tumble, originally uploaded by ebbandflo_pomomama.

The copper and glass earrings are finally assembled and ready for tumbling. I tumble most finished pieces in stainless steel shot to work harden the metal and bring up a shine after intial polishing. In the case of ear posts it also helps to smooth the ends (all my handcrafted earwires are tumbled to make sure there are no snaggy bits left).

I made some copper jumprings for the connection - the surplus is going thru the tumbler too to stabilise them. I make a few extra each time then add them to my stash.

Once the earrings are tumbled I'll be adding them to the new
Fall jewelry section in my Etsy shop.

bleeding heart side I added this copper pendant this morning.

ebb and flo by pomo mama design click to shop pomo mama design online!