Tuesday, October 11, 2011

homework can be fun :)

Yes, you heard it right! Homework can be fun.

I have a number of assignments on the go at any one time - this morning I combined two with a little bit of tinkering around on the blog.
Yesterday's post included an audio clip of the boys and their latest garage band offering from the new all-singing, all-dancing iPad in the house. I posted it via Posterous, a sweetie of a blogging site which automatically makes your multi-media blog-ready. However, autposting it to Blogger still means a trip back to Posterous to listen to the track.
Back to the homework. One assignment to be completed next week is a face-to-face interview with A Writer (a bona fide freelancer too) and I am terrified. I am terrified of many things, including shyness, but mostly of equipment failure. So this morning I recorded myself reading out another assignment, a memoir snippet.
And then I tootled around on the web to find podcast embed stuff for Blogger.
And, voila! (please excuse the clunky start).

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