Monday, January 07, 2013

midlife monday: time

clock, originally uploaded by ebbandflo_pomomama.

School went back today. We woke early into the darkness, dressed and stoked ourselves with porridge then scampered down the hill to school.

Wee Guy likes school. For a singleton, it's like a humongous play date. And for this unemployed, SAHM that's my take on it too, which partly explains why I'm headed back to school myself next week. It's not so much the school-and-classmates thing, though I do enjoy meeting and interacting with new peers. It's more what this certificate can do to pep up my lacking-in-Canadian-qualifications résumé and Get A Job, and thus 'playmates'.

Working from home is great for flexibility but, over and over again, the cat has proved herself unwilling to chat by the water cooler. And she never goes out for a coffee break or even a drink after work. Her lack of knowledge on current affairs is staggering, and she'd rather park her bum on my keyboard than discuss whether or not mine looks gross in leggings.

I miss colleagues.

… and I miss the challenge/satisfaction of working life.

ink and watercolour illustration by the author

ebb and flo by pomo mama design click to shop pomo mama design online!