Friday, January 18, 2013

friday forte: glimpse


Today's commute, both there and back, was blanketed in hazy fog light enough to let the winter sunshine diffuse through. Ideal weather for photographing shiny things; it felt like I was walking through a photographer's light box of gently filtered illumination without shadows.

This is what you need to take pictures of jewelry. No shiny bits to throw the focus off.

The fog was dense enough to block views of the mountains, but once in Downtown it played with the street scenes and vistas, coyly hiding familar buildings.

Looking east along Hastings, the old Vancouver Sun building winked in and out of view as the mist swirled. Now you see it, now you don't.

This week's school classes have been sometimes maddening partial glimpses of the way ahead. Tantalising and almost attainable but not quite within reach . . . yet.

Patience grasshopper.

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