Thursday, October 06, 2011

self portrait thursday: an at-home day

What's she talking about, silly stay-at-home cow? Everyday's an at-home day for the likes of her, lucky bitch doesn't realise how good she's got it!

Ahem! Yes, today was an at-home day. Class was cancelled to the virtual world so no commute, no putting on decent outdoors college togs; bare feet and cosy yoga gear ruled for an all-day session in the studio. No hairstyling, no make up, no contact lenses, no effort!
Behind me - online class stuff. My writing desk (though in reality, my writing life is portable to take advantage of the moment).
In the foreground, my jewlery bench with some works in progress (yes, those WIPs) that I can reward myself with once coursework is complete.
In all, an at-home day but a good day. Productive, creative, happy, relaxed ...

Oh, and I managed a swim this morning too (hence the wild hair) - 800m in just over 20 minutes :)

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