I can heartily recommend IKEA for a post-valentine date night; Smalland for the Wee Guy to play around in, and a civilised cafeteria setting for coffee, cake and The Discussion about 'what went wrong on valentines day".
sorted (kind of)
IKEA really is perfect for almost any occasion. Sadly, Smalland is full nearly every time we visit, though. There isn't a mom in the area code who isn't trying to take advantage of one hour of blissful free time.
IKEA really is perfect for almost any occasion. Sadly, Smalland is full nearly every time we visit, though. There isn't a mom in the area code who isn't trying to take advantage of one hour of blissful free time.
i was truly surprised how quiet it was around 6pm yesterday but there were still enough kids in Smalland for the Wee Guy ti have a fun run around
Ikea is a Godsend. Please don't tell them that.
it's amazing how exciting an hour alone (well, with about 10 other tabes occupied) over a plate of meatballs can seem!
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