Monday, March 11, 2013

midlife monday: ITPA

pumpkin, originally uploaded by ebbandflo_pomomama.

It's That Pumpkin Again!
- this time in digital oils courtesy of ArtRage.

Need to keep sketching the sucker till it rots (or even while it's rotting?).

So, this weekend - a shift in the giftshop, the boys went skiing, Mother's Day in another part of the world, I over-caught up on hours for my practicum so I'm slightly ahead and have almost run out of work. A good position to be in.

Also this weekend, a maybe or maybe not out of the running for a job application until a friend corrected my reading of the competition status. "At least if you don't get an interview, you won't need to spend time being miserable since you've already done that part," says mr ebb helpfully.


ebb and flo by pomo mama design click to shop pomo mama design online!