Friday, February 10, 2012

friday forte: spLAt

spLAt, originally uploaded by ebbandflo_pomomama.

I did this.
All of it.
It was my reward for getting through today's hard slog of composing cover letters, assembling portfolios, proofreading, learning to spell canadianishly, mastering acrobat pro, pinning down testimonials (and thank you to each and every one of my testimonialers), psyching myself up, household maintenance, and lastly, believing in myself.
Yup - I'm going for it.
I'm applying for the summer internship bit of my part-time college course.
Yay me.
Now, if you're a regular and long-time reader of my blog (poor you), you will remember the last time The World of Real (i.e., paid) Work tapped on my shoulder and scared the bejesus out of me.
Why am I doing this to myself again?

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