Thursday, June 04, 2009

inside out

ebb submersion reverse

reverse of "submersion" art clay silver pendant, currently on sale in the Port Moody Art Centre

Last night I attended the YWCA Women of Distinction awards in Vancouver. My nominee didn't win in her category but the evening was amazing, spent in the company of so many inspiring and talented women.

It was a late night for me, and no I wasn't drinking since I had a drive back ...

..... but I still got up this morning and managed to put on my shirt inside out, and then attended my citizenship test and interview in Downtown Vancouver.

Is a wardrobe malfunction sufficient grounds for refusing citizenship?

I'll have to wait 4-6 motnhs to find out.


Anonymous said...

I am was born in Canada and have been known to wear my shirt inside out at critical moments. So I don't think proper shirt wearing is a requirement of citizenship. As long as you didn't say anything bad about curling or Tim Horton's you should be fine.

Good luck!

pomomama said...

..... thank heavens they never asked for my opinion on Tim Horton's (tho i do like their iced capp frothy summer iced drink thing)

maybe i can still be canadian
thanks for the reassurance

Anonymous said...

hahahahah that still makes me laugh! I think you'll be ok. At least you had a shirt on! 8)
Hey the thing I left you on my blog is cause i just wanted you to have one. I know the rules are a lot so do with it what you will. I thought one would look nice on your blog!

Anonymous said...

hhmmmm did i leave 2 of the same comments. If so it was because i thought the first one didn't go's that...and you're worried about your shirt being inside out. My brain can be inside out somethimes..,,,hhmm haha

pomomama said...

i think you commented on my Facebook status as well Crystal - haven't noticed any duplicates from you (so, no - you're not going nuts in the heat)

Spotted Sparrow said...

Hey, it was a fashion statement!

I gave you a Lovely Blog Award. Stop by my blog if you'd like to play. :)

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