Friday, June 06, 2008

faberge earrings

faberge earrings, originally uploaded by ebbandflo_pomomama.

in copper wire crochet and fabulous freshwater pearls

now for sale here.

Yes, I've finally opened
my Big Cartel shop - and it was incredibly easy. I loaded a banner, store avatar and a couple of products all in two hours with very little scrabbling around for information or help.

... and it looks quite sweet, with the same kind of minimal uncluttered look that I love about Etsy (but without the hassle, politics, policies, frustrations, etc. which I hate).

The matching cuff is for sale

Wh faberge?
The first faberge cuff I made was for a charity auction. When I checked the photograph the first thought which sprang to mind was how much like a bejewelled
faberge egg it looked .... and the name stuck! faberge cuff?

ebb and flo by pomo mama design click to shop pomo mama design online!