Once upon a time, not so very long ago, I got my very bestest Mother's Day present ever. My wee guy was allowed out of hospital for the first time since his birth. Life had been such a shambles for the previous 2 weeks that no special card had been bought and no pretty presetn had been wrapped but still the little baby I 'unwrapped' when we got home was the most amazing present I have ever seen in my whole life. Instead of driving home from the hospital with an unfilled babyseat strapped in the back (and we were starting to think about removing it because it was too harsh a reminder) we set off that morning with a sleepy little boy in the back, checking every 5s that we had fastened all the clips etc.
... and so started the real business of parentship, with no nurses or doctors around to rely on. Just the two of us plus our new wee guy .... and mercifully it's been that way ever since (with a few of the usual paediatric hiccups along the way of course!)
Happy Mother's Day!
oh, and PS: we made it thru all of the birthday parties yesterday, and lasted for the whole of the evening house party (with bouncy castle) too! Thanks to everyone involved in our extremely busy day!