Thursday, September 25, 2014

spt thursday: outreach

Holding out a hand to help - it doesn't have to be filled with gifts, money or anything more bountiful than a kind word or good wishes.
There's a gratitude meme currently making its way round Facebook. I'm not a great fan of overt or forced gratitude. I generally gag if I see mention of being blessed.
But today, this week, I'm feeling truly filled with it - for friends IRL and online who have shared our first world stresses and joy with kind words, gentle support and encouragement; for offers of help, a safe place for our cat, a bed, a joke, sympathy, advice, storage for my soldering gear, and ultimately a place to live temporarily while we wait for our new home.
Each Facebook 'like', each comment, each suggestion, offer and cheer leaves me, mr ebb and the wee guy feeling like we're in the middle of a giant international hug.
Thank you.
I am truly grateful xoxo

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