For once, I'm ahead of work this week ... or at least I haven't found out anything sneakily missing if I don't count the half-finished events post I checked in on this evening. Easily rectified.
I feel like I'm slowly getting a handle on juggling my time around three different work clients, learning more about setting the boundaries to ensure I'm not 24/7. Two contracts are paid by the piece; the other is trickier as it's by the hour, and there's way more for the hours allotted than can be accomplished. The temptation is to just keep on swimming like Dorey, but that's hardly fair to my other clients or to my family, or even to myself. Anyway, there is a time limit involved so technically the boundaries I should be setting are about what work can be accomplished, and the client needs to appreciate this.
Tomorrow I have one post to write, two posts to edit - I've finished as much laundry and housework as I can get away with this week - I'm over and above hours for another freelance contract, with a few more to come this weekend - and mr ebb is home from Oz.
We celebrated being back in the same space by going out for lunch at the Gallery Bistro, staving off the need for a nap (him = jet lag; me = sleep-over with the Wee Guy) for a few more hours with spicey Morroccan Pea soup and a luscious bistro wrap before heading out into the garden patio to savor a coffee each.
Then back to work/home/nap/whatever.
Relaxation in any language.
Sent slowly by amoeba