Wednesday, September 07, 2011

I amsterdam

i amsterdam, originally uploaded by ebbandflo_pomomama.
Today the sun was out and our walk around Amsterdam was a deal less soggy than yesterday's. Yesterday's weather would indeed have been much more appropriate for today's wanderings as heavy rain can seem also like tears. Our route this morning took us close to the Dutch Resistance Museum in Plantage and past the Hollandsche Schouwburg, where jewish people were marshalled together prior to transport to the concentration camps during the second world war.


We passed another memorial, I'm not sure what it was but it was dated 1940-1945.
additional info: the monument is in memory of Dutch artist Gerrit van der Veen who was active in the Resistance to nazi occupation in Amsterdam

in remembrance

Our route also took us past the Homomonument, where three pink triangles sit to remind us of current and past persecution of individuals because of their sexuality.

Anne Frank Huis

Our final visit today was to the Anne Frank Huis on Prinzergracht. The Wee Guy followed the trail on the treasure hunt around the claustrophobic rooms while I was reminded of reading the diary at a young age and being so inspired to write a journal myself. I can't really write anything more about the visit save to say that I hugged the Wee Guy very tightly when we emerged back into the sunlight.
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