Tuesday, July 07, 2009

entire day devoted to chocolate?

Feeling Smug

previous encounter with the great uberfood

Yes, it's Chocolate Day - first of many occasions on which an excuse is provided for indulgence. US National Chocolate Day arrives on October 28th but there is also a World Chocolate Day in September.

Although there is, IMHO, no excuse required for having a nibble year round it's a great reassurance that on at least 3 days a year chocolate eating is actually sanctioned.

Bon appetit!

PS: Wee Guy and I will be making choc chip muffins this evening in celebration.


Anonymous said...

I was going to make chocolate chip cookies today anyway, but now I have a great reason. I always appreciate any justification for consuming chocolate! :)

pomomama said...

Any day is chocolate day here - wee guy is so annoyed at me answering "chocolate" when he asks me what my fave food is. "But it's not a healthy food!"

It is in my book, son!

Anonymous said...

Wee guy is very cute! 8) Hope you r chocolate day was good..mmmmmm

pomomama said...

chocolate day was most excellent - rounded off nicely with totally dense choc chip muffins nom nom nom

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