Tuesday, September 02, 2008

red flower cuff

red flower cuff, originally uploaded by ebbandflo_pomomama.

red flower cuff in copper wire crochet with red glass beads and three acrylic flowers

I've started working on some Fall designs, featuring copper wire and metal. I made a couple of red flower cuffs last year; they sold well at craft fairs and on consignment. This year's version uses a deeper red flower and similar beads compared with last year's fiery orange.

The old image, red flower cuff, was one of my most googled images and provided a large number of hits for my blog. Hmmm . how come I didn't capitalise on this a little more? Can anyone say "newbie"?

PS: I'll be listing the Fall previews, including this cuff, in my Big Cartel shop before transferring some listings to Etsy.

PPS: I've also got some nice amber acrylic flowers which would look awesome with citrine!

ebb and flo by pomo mama design click to shop pomo mama design online!