Thursday, February 28, 2013


Nestling, originally uploaded by ebbandflo_pomomama.

A nest of fiddleheads

Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Testing times

Testing times, originally uploaded by ebbandflo_pomomama.

Post Posterous auto posting shenanigans

wordless wednesday: real words

desk scene, originally uploaded by ebbandflo_pomomama.

Tuesday, February 26, 2013

reply hazy, come back later

this tickled me.  a report in my science research feed digest, which I usually ignore, caught my eye. I'm feeling lazy and won't be hyperlinking (lazy blogger bad no no) but it's out there if you appease the Google gods with a search.

Friday, February 22, 2013

friday forte: evening breaking

evening breaking, originally uploaded by ebbandflo_pomomama.

It's time for bed!
Sleep well folks :)

Thursday, February 21, 2013

self portrait Thursday: be my own wordle

This evening - cover letters.
What words do I associate with myself?
When all I want to scream is, hire me - I can do it!

Wednesday, February 20, 2013

wordless wednesday: Wearable Arts Awards show

more images here

Friday, February 15, 2013

friday forte : traditionally

Continued establishment of a family tradition meets complete approval from tasting unit.

Thursday, February 14, 2013

self portrait valentine's day (it's all about the cookies)

Yet another school valentine's day to survive - eighty cookies later and we have.

Recipe and gift tag document download here.

Roll on next year.

Wednesday, February 13, 2013

wordless wednesday: prep

Tuesday, February 12, 2013

midlife monday rollover

A roll-over of days from busyness into too-little-time. As a reward for too much serious stuff over the weekend I spent my midlife Monday with the Wee Guy enjoying the, er, splendours of a first BC Family Day event in downtown Vancouver.
There was rain.
And mud underfoot.
Grey skies.
Lots of them.
But like everything Vancouver does to celebrate an event, the mark was totally missed. It was dreary and punctuated by queues, noise, and that strange manic feeling of missing out on something bigger.
Overwhelmed hyped-up kids with nothing to reward their patience. meh!
Vancouver tries and fails - when will it realise that events need to be large scale, not pinched and mean and crowded. There are simply too many people around now for the tiny venues and cramped tents, the YVR signature for fun and kid stuff. Queues for what? Again?
At least it was free.
And I spent it with the Wee Guy.

BC Family Day exploits

Sunday, February 10, 2013

morning is breaking


This morning's view, looking south to the ocean. Early morning sun illuminates the tower blocks in New Westminster as they peek above the mist. Nothing much is moving since it's so early.
A whole day stretches out in front of me.
So I reviewed my resumé, packed a few parcels, did some laundry, wrangled the homework,  went for a walk,  ... Sunday.

Friday, February 08, 2013

friday forte: at what point?


How many reps?
So when does something become tradition?
At what iteration is it set in stone that this is now accepted practice?
I'm not sure, but we're having fun setting this one up. Friday nights, since Christmas, are swim nights. A quick bread and soup dinner squeezed in between getting home from work/childcare and before the mad dash to the pool.
The fun comes afterwards,  after the sink-or-swim guided back stroke attempts, after the 800-or-so metres front crawl past the plodded in the leisure lanes.
Rinse... dry... clothes ... Ice cream
Tradition :-)

Thursday, February 07, 2013

mobile tools for blogging with @kumii


Reviewing mobile tools for blogging with Kumiko, and then using some of them.
This post brought to you by Vignette for Android, mobile Gmail and Posterous auto-post from my ancient motorola droid smartphone.

Tuesday, February 05, 2013


SPT May 13th, originally uploaded by ebbandflo_pomomama.

I am quite literally all over the place.
9-4pm at school; monthly shift in the gift shop; setting up a couple of websites for a local non-profit; keeping the domestic side of things running (though mr ebb is stepping up to the challenge big time) la la la blah blah blah ...

My work is in the featured artist slot in the Blackberry Artist's Society gift shop (my undying thanks to display for making a beautiful mountain out of very sparse inventory).

My thinking cap is in the Wearable Arts Awards competition. You can see it on the catwalk, Saturday and Sunday, February 16th and 17th.

A job I'm really interested in has come up.

There's a writing award I want to enter.

My mind's in a spin.

But the icing currently on the top of the cake is being featured on Tracey's cool fashion blog.

Monday, February 04, 2013

seafood for supper?

Gaaaah! posted this on the wrong blog!

seafood for supper?:

Seadragon, originally uploaded by ebbandflo_pomomama.
Not quite, but here's this week's menu.

Monday: Ravioli in cream and garlic mushroom sauce
Tuesday: Butter chicken with rice
Wednesday: Baked potatoes with cheese dip
Thursday: Pilaff
Friday: minestrone soup with bread, cheese and pate

So culinary life's not very exciting this month but I'm heading into the second half of my certificate course with all its reading and homework prep, so we're living off the frozen goodies amassed since Christmas.
We'll eat well, but predictably with a side order of deja vu.
Bon appetit!
Did I mention I made trifle today?

Sunday, February 03, 2013

Wordless Wednesday: tokens (of love)

Today is my shift in the gift shop (Port Moody Arts Centre) so do drop by to say howdy if you're around this afternoon :)
Wordless Wednesday: tokens (of love): tokens for Valentines Day

detail from iris-folding - card by Valerie Gilbert

Saturday, February 02, 2013

Wake up to this

What a brilliant start to the day, especially since I got a later start than usual too.
And good to have some brightness instead of gloom.
And yes, I'm being literal as well as metaphorical here.

ebb and flo by pomo mama design click to shop pomo mama design online!