Thursday, September 20, 2012

self-portrait thursday: shut in


When all the babysitting attempts fail, this is where you'll find me - sitting at the computer watching the live stream of a science communications seminar hosted by Science Online Vancouver.

I'm near the end of another of those intermittent solo parenting spells which pop up in my life. My previous babysitter, the incredible Nicki, moved to Florida ... or Texas ... whatever. Last night, her replacement, incredible Erin, stood in so I could go to the launch of John Vigna's Bullhead from Arsenal Press (Google it if I can't get the link to link up from my Nexus)(yes, I'm blogging from another android device!). Two nights running would be greedy and my other as yet untested child minder, SuperSara can't stay out late on Thursdays.

le sigh

I will be over 50 by the time I can head off for a night on the tiles without having to worry about who's looking after baby, well over 50. But then I expect it will be me sitting at home, worrying about where my not-so-Wee Guy is at nearly midnight.

le double sigh

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